Run ProDuSe


Wrapper script which runs each step of the ProDuSe Pipeline sequentially on each sample. Can process multiple samples simultaneously.

Run Using

produse run_produse




General Parameters for running analysis

-c, –config:An INI configuration file, which can specify any of the following arguments. Any arguments passed at the command line override those specified in the configuration file, which override defaults.
–fastqs:A pair of filepaths to a set of paired-end FASTQ files. Mutually exclusive with -sc–sample_config.
-sc, –sample_config:
 An INI configuration file, specifying one or more samples to analyze. This file can also provide sample-specific arguments.
-d, –outdir:Base output directory for intermediate files and results. –directory_name will be created inside this directory. Default is the current working directory.
-r, –reference:A filepath to a reference genome FASTA file. Ideally, BWA and .fai indexes should be present in the same directory. If they are not, they will be generated automatically.
-j, –jobs:Number of samples to analyze in parallel. Use 0 or a negative number to process as many samples as possible simultaneously. Default is 1.

Additional Analysis Parameters

–bwa:A filepath to a bwa executable. Default is $(which bwa).
–samtools:A filepath to a samtools executable. Default is $(which samtools)
 Name of the directory to create inside -d/–outdir to store intermediate files and results. Default is “produse_analysis_directory”.
 If –directory_name already exists inside -d/–outdir, place the intermediate files and results for this analysis inside this directory. If any samples have the same name as those inside –directory_name, they will not be analyzed.
–cleanup:Following analysis, remove all files present in the “tmp” directory of each sample

Barcode Trimming Parameters

-b, –barcode_sequence:
 The sequence of the degenerate barcode, specified in IUPAC bases.
-p, –barcode_position:
 Positions in the -b/–barcode sequence to use when comparing expected and actual barcode sequences (1=Yes, 0=No). The entire barcode will still be trimmed, regardless of which positions are flagged with 0.
-mm, –max_mismatch:
 Maximum number of positions (specified using -p/–barcode_position) which can fall outside the expected degeneracy range before the read pair is discarded. This is the total between both the forward and reverse read.
 Examine the end of the read for the presence of a barcode (for example, in the case of read-through). Will not remove partial barcodes

Family Collapsing Parameters

-fm, –family_mask:
 Barcode positions to consider when determining if two reads are members of the same family (1=Yes, 0=No).
-fmm, –family_mismatch:
 Maximum number of mismatched positions (specified using -fm/–family_mask) permitted before two reads are considered members of different families.
-dm, –duplex_mask:
 Barcode positions to consider when determining if two families are in duplex (1=Yes, 0=No).
-dmm, –duplex_max_mismatch:
 Maximum number of mismatched positions (specified using -dm/–duplex_mask) permitted before two families are not considered a duplex
-t, –targets:A filepath to a BED file listing the capture regions of interest. Read pairs that do not overlap these positions will be discarded
 Store the name of each read incorporated into a family in the read tag “Zm”

Filtering Parameters

-f, –filter:A filepath to a pickled Random Forest Classifier, used to filter variants. Can be generated using train


If no -b/–barcode is specified for one or more samples, adapter_predict will be run on those samples automatically

Pipeline Stages

This command will run the following stages of the ProDuSe Pipeline sequentially on each sample:

  • adapter_predict (Estimates the degenerate barcode sequence, only run if no barcode is specified)
  • Trim (Trim Barcodes)
  • Align reads to reference (Burrows-Wheeler Aligner)
  • Collapse (Identify and merge duplicate reads into a consensus)
  • ClipOverlap (Identifies positions which overlap between read pairs, and generates a consensus)
  • Call (Flag and filter variants)

Configuration Files

In lieu of specifying all arguments at the command line, arguments can be specified in either the sample configuration file, or the main produse configuration file. This approach is recommended, as it improves reproducibility between runs.

If a single argument is specified multiple times, the following orders of precedence apply:

  1. -sc/–sample_config file
  2. Command line
  3. -c/–config file

Arguments specified in the -sc/–sample_config file only apply to the specified sample. More information on configuration files can be found here.

Directory Layout

When run_produse is called, it creates a directory structure for each sample inside of –directory_name, as follows:


The contents of each folder are as follows:

config:Stores configuration files for each step of the pipeline, and files indicating when a pipeline stage is complete
tmp:Stores intermediate files (ex. Trimmed FASTQ files, raw BAM files)
results:Stores the final BAM file and variant calls

All parameters used to run a given instance, as well as software versions, are specified in ProDuSe_Task.log